Saturday, September 26, 2009


Am I dyslexic? I recently took a survey which said so, and it's been suggested that I am. Not like it really matters much. Anyway, there was a comment form at the end of the survey and this is what I wrote:

"I was always talented at math; usually top-of-the-class. However, the mistakes that I did make were usually adding errors, getting adding mixed up with multiplication, or getting my fractions upside-down. This last example is oddly relevant considering that, in music theory, a musical interval is determined by the ratio of two frequencies and that a chord is considered to retain its integrity when inverted (ie. when the fraction is turned upside-down). I'm a musician.
Also: when given driving instructions, I've found difficulty (slowness) in visualizing a response to "turn left" or "turn right", or any description involving left and right. However, this problem diminished with care and attention. I've put some effort into trying to become ambidextrous but with not much success. I'm a very good speller but most of my typing errors involve pressing keys in the wrong order. When handwriting, I often leave off the last letter of a word (unintentionally of course). Also, my middle name is Alexander and I've use that as a source for one of my musical pseudonyms, Lex Plexus. Am I dyslexic? I don't know. I usually avoid labels as they can become limiting."

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